
Val's Diary

 I have to admit that little house in Greenhill is quite nice. It's yellow and there's a small porch above the front door. there's a little garden all around the house. It's pretty but there isn't a telephone. I lost my temper when I discovered this. "How can I survive without a telephone?" I shouted, red as a beetroot. (I always go red when I get angry!) Dad burst out laughing and Mum said that I could do my holiday homework without any interruptions. Oh, Yeah!

This diary about Val's summer holiday. Her family go to Greenhill to spend their holiday, but she does not spend her summer holiday in the countryside. But eventually she will enjoy it.

porch : roof over the entrance of a house
lost my temper : got angry
beetroot : a dark red vegetable
burst out laughing : laughed suddenly and strongly

Flagan,M.(2009). Val's Diary. Recanati, MC Italy: Eli.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Flagan,M.(2009).
    Flagan, M. (2009).

    porch : roof over the entrance of a house
    porch: roof over the entrance of a house


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